Looking for health, wellbeing and longevity? Try human connection

Looking for health, wellbeing and longevity? Try human connection

Written by: James Parkes | 1-2 minute read


My blogs and thoughts are often inspired by giants of the health and literature world.

I quite like the idea that we’re all standing on the shoulders of these giants as we navigate our way through living our best lives.

And today’s blog is no different.

Dr Robert Waldinger is the director of the longest EVER known study on human happiness. And listening to him on a podcast this week, I was struck by some of his findings that are heart stopping, almost literally.

Loneliness is an ever-growing epidemic that is costing us years of our lives.

Socially isolated people die earlier and have a larger number of comorbidities, and there are even reports that the effects of loneliness are as dire as smoking half a packet of cigarettes a day.

It seems our relationships keep us healthier and happier than we ever could have thought.

The connectedness and community aspect of different friendships and romantic endeavours aren’t just fun and games… They act as an insulation to the chronic stress and inflammation that trying to go at life solo can throw at us.

More than ever we need real connection, meaningful relationships, people to be interested in, and to show interest in us.

That said, if you ever needed a nudge to pick up the phone to a friend, head to the pub with a sibling, tell your partner you love them, or cuddle your kids, let this be it.

There’s potentially a week of connection ahead of you that will improve both your mental and physical health.

So go out there and spend it with some people!

If you’d like to learn more about how MyDay can help your business to bring the essential wellbeing element of human connection into the heart of your ESG strategy, reach out to schedule time for a call.


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